Iron sharpens iron, So one man sharpens another. – Proverbs 27:17
In abundance of counselors there is victory. – Proverbs 11:14
We are blessed to have available to us today the writings of many wonderful men of God who have come before us, true saints of the faith, some of whom also gave their lives as martyrs. More than ever in history, we have a wealth of information available to read and learn from and the freedom to openly read these materials.[1] The resources listed below are helpful and predominantly free of false teachings. However, great discernment must be used when reading, recommending, and using any non-inspired materials written by man.[2]
Some of the books are out of print and may be difficult to find, but I recommend that you try to find and read editions that were printed as close to the original author’s first date of publication as possible, as newer revisions offer an opportunity once again for editors and publishers to twist, distort, or even rewrite the original author’s content and introduce their own false doctrines and teachings. And lastly, before purchasing any book, look to see what other books that same author (or publisher) has published; doing so will help you understand if their books can be trusted to be in agreement with Scripture.
- Broadbent, E. H. The Pilgrim Church: An Account of Continuance Through Centuries of Christian Churches Practising Biblical Principles Taught in the New Testament. Adansonia Publishing, 2018.
- Bunyan, John. The Heavenly Footman. London, 1698.
- ———. Pilgrim’s Progress. London, 1678. Republished by Holy Spirit Prints, 2018.
- Clarke, Adam. The New Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, with a Commentary and Critical Notes. New York: 1831.[3]
- Cottrell, Jack. Baptism: A Biblical Study. Joplin, MO: College Press Publishing, 1989.
- ———. The Faith Once for All: Bible Doctrine for Today. Joplin, MO: College Press Publishing, 2002.
- ———. Faith’s Fundamentals. Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock Publishers, 1995.
- Elliott, David Vaughn. Nobody Left Behind. Methuen, MA: David Vaughn Elliott, 2004.
- Eusebius of Caesarea. The Church History.
- Ferguson, Everett. The Church of Christ: A Biblical Ecclesiology for Today. Grand Rapids, MI: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1996.
- Foxe, John. Foxe’s Book of Martyrs (The Actes and Monuments), 1563 (English version).
- Grasham, William W. et al., Truth for Today Commentary. Searcy, AR: Resource Publications, 2001-present.
- Grier, W. J. The Momentous Event. Belfast, Northern Ireland: Evangelical Book Shop, 1945.
- Ham, Ken, et al. The New Answers Books (1–4). Petersburg, KY: Answers in Genesis, 1982.
- Henry, Matthew. Exposition of the Old and New Testaments. London: James Nisbet & Co., 1706–1710/1721. [Note: This commentary was completed in 1721 after his death by others who wanted to finish his work. There are also many revisions titled Matthew Henry’s Bible Commentary, either complete or concise/abridged. The later versions are marked as “carefully revised and corrected” or “new modern edition”; however, I recommend you find and use his original exposition version (up to the date 1721).]
- Jackson, Wayne. The Acts of the Apostles. Jackson, TN: Christian Courier Publications, 2005.
- ———. The Bible and Science. Jackson, TN: Christian Courier Publications, 2000.
- ———. The Bible on Trial. Jackson, TN: Christian Courier Publications, 2009.
- ———. Bible Words and Theological Terms Made Easy. Jackson, TN: Christian Courier Publications, 2002.
- ———. Biblical Figures of Speech. Jackson, TN: Christian Courier Publications, 2005.
- ———. The Book of Job. Jackson, TN: Christian Courier Publications, 1983.
- ———. Creation, Evolution, and the Age of the Earth. Jackson, TN: Christian Courier Publications, 1989.
- ———. The Human Body: Accident or Design. Jackson, TN: Christian Courier Publications, 2000.
- ———. Jesus Christ: The Master Teacher. Jackson, TN: Christian Courier Publications, 2013.
- ———. A New Testament Commentary. Jackson, TN: Christian Courier Publications, 2011.
- ———. The Parables in Profile. Stockton, CA: Wayne Jackson, 1978.
- ———. Premillennialism: A System of Infidelity. Jackson, TN: Christian Courier Publications.
- ———. The Prophets: An Old Testament Commentary. Jackson, TN: Christian Courier Publications, 2015.
- ———. Revelation. Jackson, TN: Christian Courier Publications, 2004.
- ———. Why Did My Savior Have to Die? Jackson, TN: Christian Courier Publications.
- Johnson, B. W. The People’s New Testament [Commentary]. St. Louis, MO: Christian Publishing Company, 1891. Reprinted: (Delight, AK: Gospel Light Publishing Company, undated).
- Josephus, Titus Flavius. Antiquities of the Jews.
- ———. The Jewish War.
- Lipscomb, David, H. Leo Boles, Guy N. Woods, C. E. W. Dorris, John T. Hinds. New Testament Commentary. Nashville, TN: GOSPEL ADVOCATE, 1969–1987.
- Riggle, H. M. Beyond the Tomb. Anderson, IN: The Gospel Trumpet Company, 1929. Republished by Holy Spirit Prints, 2018.
- ———. The Christian Church: Its Rise and Progress. Anderson, IN: Gospel Trumpet Company, 1912.
- ———. Christ’s Second Coming and What Will Follow. Anderson, IN: Gospel Trumpet Company, 1872.
- ———. Christ’s Triumphal Reign. Anderson, IN: Gospel Trumpet Company, 1930.
- ———. Jesus Is Coming Again. Anderson, IN: Gospel Trumpet Company, 1943.
- ———. The Kingdom of God. Anderson, IN: Gospel Trumpet Company, 1903.
- ———. The Sabbath and the Lord’s Day. Anderson, IN: Gospel Trumpet Company, 1918.
- Stoner, Peter W., and Robert C. Newman. Science Speaks. Chicago, IL: Moody Bible Institute, 1969/1976.
- Each Day (Gospel website),
- Gospel IQ Quiz,
- Iron Sharpens Iron (Bible study website),
- Holy Spirit Prints (Publisher site),
- Bible Study Tools,
- Bible Gateway,
- Bible Hub,
- Christian Courier,
- Gospel Advocate,
- Gospel Light,
- Resource Publications,
- GBN,
- Open Bible,
- E-Sword,
- Christian Book,
- Truth Publications,
- Apologetics Press,
- World Video Bible School,
- Online Academy of Biblical Studies,
- Insight into Bible Truth,
- The Paperless Hymnal,
The following websites are recommended for their scientific articles:
- Answers in Genesis,
- Institute for Christian Research,
- Cottonwood Church of Christ,
- Sedona Church of Christ,
- Verde Valley Church of Christ,
- North Valley Church of Christ (Cave Creek),
- Camelback Church of Christ,
- Prescott Church of Christ,
[1] In most places of the world.
[2] See also the warnings given in the chapter “Choosing a Bible.”
[3] I include Dr. Clarke’s commentary for his general knowledge of biblical manuscripts, the Hebrew language, and Jewish customs but not for Methodist doctrine or theology of any kind. He also held some strange beliefs in some areas (e.g., see Genesis commentary regarding the moon).
[4] Some of these churches offer live streaming of their services for those who are remote.