El principio de la sabiduría es el temor del Señor,
Y el conocimiento del Santo es inteligencia. – Proverbios 9:10
Si usted es como yo, es posible que aún tenga miles de preguntas (ok, quizás cientos), dudas, etc. sobre Dios, la Biblia y el cristianismo, incluso después de leer este libro. Quizás sus preguntas reiteradas son:
- ¿Cómo puede ser que la Biblia sea verdad?
- ¿Realmente existe Dios?
- ¿Qué pasa con la evolución, no “evolucionamos” de los simios?
- ¿Qué de los dinosaurios?
- La ciencia, la datación de carbono y la teoría del “Big Bang” ¿no prueban que evolucionamos hace miles de millones de años a partir de la “sopa primordial”?
- ¿Por qué Dios nos creó sabiendo que pecaríamos y sufriríamos?
- Si Satanás es malvado, ¿por qué Dios lo creó?
- ¿Por qué hay dolor y sufrimiento si Dios es un Dios amoroso?
- ¿Y por qué Dios permite que el mal continúe existiendo ahora?
- ¿Qué sobre…? {complete el espacio en blanco aquí}
¡Recuerde que no está solo! Yo era como usted: lo cuestionaba todo. Era difícil buscar respuestas y la verdad, en medio de un verdadero mar de mentiras, delirios, ciencia falsa, falsas enseñanzas y engaños en casi todas las direcciones, ¡incluso de los llamados “expertos religiosos” y de los llamados pastores “cristianos” dentro del rebaño!
Pero lo insto: por favor, a que trate con sus preguntas, dudas y miedos de frente, con franqueza y seria honestidad. No ignore ni finja que no existen como lo hice yo durante años. Pero, sobre todo, no deje que lo hagan tropezar y caer, o peor, no creer en Dios y en Jesús. Por favor, no deje que le impidan seguir la verdad y la vida eterna, ¡porque es su destino eterno el que está en juego! Hay información adicional en nuestro sitio web, incluidos enlaces a recursos útiles, que abordan temas que no pueden ser cubiertos en este libro. Que Dios lo guíe a toda verdad y lo ayude a crecer en la gracia y la comprensión de nuestro Señor y Salvador Jesucristo. Amén.
A continuación hay algunos enlaces útiles sobre la ciencia frente a la Biblia.
Are you confused by evolution vs. creation? You were taught evolution in school, so it must be true and the Bible wrong, right? Science and carbon dating fossils and tree rings and the dinosaurs all prove the Bible is wrong, right?
The answer to these and many other commonly accepted scientific questions is: no!
Many scientists, who are also Christians, have information that atheistic scientists just don’t like, want to hear, or want you to hear. So that information is suppressed (or ignored) in schools or discredited by atheistic “theories” put forth as facts, when they are just theories. As a scientist myself (physics), I also struggled mightily with these questions about science, evolution, and the age of the earth, etc – how could it all be possibly created by a God, in a mere 7 days? I had to seek answers to many questions and hopefully the information I’ve found can help you also.
But: Are you prepared to be open-minded and consider new information? Are you really ready to objectively evaluate factual information and to consider that you may have been lied to for so many years? Are you really open to considering that the Biblical views on science and creation are accurate? You will find there is a whole body of scientific knowledge and facts out there that have been kept hidden from you.
Q. What does the Bible say about creation vs. evolution?
- Why Does Creation Matter?
- What is Biblical Creation and Why Is it Important?
- Divisions over Biblical Creation even among Christians. Unity at what cost?
- The Age of the Earth
Q. Is the book of Genesis true or just a myth? Was the Earth really created in 7 literal 24-hour days?
- Why is the Genesis Creation Account Authoritative and Not Just Another Myth?
- Days of Creation
- 24 Hours—Plain as Day
- Could God Really Have Created Everything in Six Days?
- Not Enough Hours in the Day – Could the events of Day Six have fit within 24 hours?
Q. Is the Earth really only several thousand years old, or millions of years old?
- Does young earth creation really matter?
- Age of the Earth
- Age of the Universe
- Biblical Age of the Earth
- How Young Is the Earth? Applying Simple Math to Data Provided in Genesis
- Is Belief in the Young Earth Necessary to Be a Christian?
Q. Doesn’t Carbon-14 dating prove that the Earth is millions of years old?
- Carbon-14
- Doesn’t Carbon-14 Dating Disprove the Bible?
- Carbon-14 Dating – Understanding the Basics
- Carbon-14 in Fossils and Diamonds – An Evolution Dilemma
- Diamonds and Strata Have Too Much Carbon-14
- Doesn’t Carbon Dating Prove the Earth Is Old?
- Can Carbon Dating Be Trusted?
- Carbon-14 Found in Dinosaur Fossils
- Creation and Geology
Q. Doesn’t radiometric dating prove that the Earth is millions of years old?
- Radiometric Dating
- Radiometric Dating: Back to Basics
- Radiometric Dating: Problems with the Assumptions
- Radiometric Dating and Proof
- Radiometric Dating: Making Sense of the Patterns
- Does Radiometric Dating Prove the Earth Is Old?
- Radiometric Dating
- Research at ICR: An Overview
- The Age of the Earth – Part 2: Radiometric Age Dating
Q. Don’t fossils prove that the Earth is millions of years old?
- Doesn’t the Order of Fossils in the Rock Record Favor Long Ages?
- Fossils and the Flood: What’s the Connection?
- Where Are All the Human Fossils?
- Fossil Record
- Carbon-14 in Fossils and Diamonds
- Those Fossils Are a Problem
- Fossils Show Rapid and Catastrophic Burial
- Original Biochemistry Shows That Fossils Are Recent
- Living Fossils Display No Signs of Evolution’s Long Ages
- Dinosaur Fossil Erases 40 Million Years
Q. Don’t tree growth rings prove that the Earth is millions of years old?
- Biblical Chronology and the 8,000-Year-Long Bristlecone Pine Tree-Ring Chronology
- Living Tree ‘8,000 Years Older Than Christ’ (?)
- Age of the Earth
- Trees—Are They Really That Old?
- Tree Ring Dating
- Do Tree Rings Disprove the Genesis Chronology?
- Why Aren’t Earth’s Oldest Trees Older?
- How Long Does It Take for Wood to Petrify?
- Tree Rings and Biblical Chronology
- The Age of the Earth – Part 4: Glacial Varves and Tree Rings
Q. Don’t erosion and continent shifts (plate tectonics) prove the earth is millions of years old? Was Noah’s flood real, and global?
- No Erosion Between Layers – Geologic Evidence for the Flood
- Global Tectonics and the Flood
- The Continents–did they split up?
- Catastrophic Plate Tectonics: The Physics Behind the Genesis Flood
- Computer Modeling of the Large-Scale Tectonics Associated with the Genesis Flood
- Catastrophic Plate Tectonics: A Global Flood Model of Earth History
- Continents Didn’t Drift, They Raced
- Rapid Rifting in Ethiopia Challenges Evolutionary Model
- Transcontinental Sedimentation and the Flood
- Lots of Grand Canyons
Q. What about the theory of evolution? Didn’t we evolve from Apes and even originally from lightning striking some primordial goo puddle somewhere?
- Evolution Refuted
- Do Animals “Evolve”?
- Evolution of Darwin: His Science
- Evolution of Darwin: His Life
- Darwinian Evolution
- Deep Time Evolution
- Evolution to Creation
- Did Humans Really Evolve from Apelike Creatures?
- Did Neanderthals and Modern Humans Share a Common Gene Pool?
- Evolution in Pop Culture
- How Does the Fossil Record Refute Evolution?
- Is Natural Selection the Same Thing as Evolution?
- What Are Some Good Questions to Ask an Evolutionist?
- Evolution Refuted
- ust How Well Proven Is Evolution?
- The Vanishing Case for Evolution
- Evolution: Real Science or Nonsense?
- Evolution Is Religion, Not Science
- Problems with Evolution
- The “Fatal Flaws” of Darwinian Theory
- Tiny Bacteria’s Big Challenge to Darwin
- The Appendix: A Thorn in Evolution’s Side?
- Oops! Evolutionists Disproving Evolution
- Darwin’s Evolutionary Tree ‘Annihilated’
- Evolution and the Pope
- Evolution Facts: A Few Reminders
- Geology, Evolution, and the Age of the Earth
Q. What about natural selection, gene mutations and survival of the fittest (Darwinism)? Didn’t gene mutations create humans and advanced species?
- Is Natural Selection the Same Thing as Evolution?
- Natural Selection – Is It Really Evidence for Evolution?
- The Code of Life
- Mutations – they’re really evolution’s enemy!
- Molecular Evidence for Creation
- Natural Selection – A Creationist’s Idea
- “Natural” Selection versus “Supernatural” Design
- Darwin’s Sacred Imposter: How Natural Selection Is Given Credit for Design in Nature
- Darwin’s Sacred Imposter: Natural Selection’s Idolatrous Trap
- Natural Selection Is Not ‘Nature’s Design Process’
- Darwin’s Sacred Imposter: The Illusion That Natural Selection Operates on Organisms
- Variation Is Limited within Kinds
- Creation and Biology
Q. What about the dinosaurs? When did they live and where did they all go? Didn’t an asteroid kill them off millions of years ago?
- The Age of the Earth – Part 3: Dinosaurs
- Dinosaur Fossil Erases 40 Million Years
- What Really Happened to the Dinosaurs?
- Dinosaurs and the Bible
- Dinosaurs—in the Bible?
- Dinosaurs—we’re taking them back
- Dinosaurs and Humans
- Dino Tracks
- Jurassic Omelette
- Men and Dinosaurs Coexisted
- How Do The Dinosaurs Fit In?
- Did Dinosaurs Survive the Flood?
- Reclaiming Dinosaurs For Jesus
- What Would Need to Change for a Dinosaur to Evolve into a Bird?
- Dinosaurs, Grasses, and Darwinism
- The Age of the Earth – Part 3: Dinosaurs
- Strata Data Axes Asteroid Dinosaur Demise
- Case Closed on Dinosaur Extinction. Or Is It?
- Did Dinosaurs Die from an Impact?
- An asteroid — did it wipe out dinosaurs?
Q. Doesn’t science prove there many ice ages over millions of years as we have been told in school?
- The Ice Age: Only the Bible Explains It
- The Mammoth and the Ice Age
- Wild, Wild Weather: The Genesis Flood & the Ice Age
- Ice Cores in Thousands of Years?
- Was There an Ice Age?
- The Ice Age and the Genesis Flood
- Ice Age
- The Ice Age: Causes and Consequences
- Was There Really an Ice Age?
- Did the Frozen Mammoths Die in the Flood or in the Ice Age?
- An Ice Age in Yosemite National Park
- Did the Frozen Mammoths Die in the Flood or in the Ice Age?
- The Age of the Earth – Part 4: Glacial Varves and Tree Rings
Q. Doesn’t science prove the Bible is false and God isn’t real?
- Is There Really a God?
- What’s the Best “Proof” of Creation?
- Science Confirms the Bible
- Creation: Science Confirms the Bible Is True
- The Great Debate
- Bill Nye and Ken Ham Debate
- Empirical Science Is Observable
- Can Science Prove The Bible?
- Can Scientists Study the Past?
- Strong Delusion
- The Limits of Science where God is Concerned
- Science & Technology
- Bible Errors and Losing Faith – Young Earth Creationism
Q. What about the “Big Bang,” that proves science right yes?
- Does the Big Bang Fit with the Bible?
- Answers Academy: Big Problems with the Big Bang
- Did God Use the Big Bang? – Big Problems with the Big Bang
- The Big Bang Theory Collapses
- Big Bang Evidence Retracted
- Top 2015 News: Science Confronts Big Bang
- The Big Bang, Multiverse, and Other Tales about Outer Space
- Distant Starlight and the Big Bang
- Has the Big Bang Been Saved?
- Is the Big Bang Biblical?
- The Ever-Changing Big Bang Story
- Bumps in the Big Bang
- The Big Bang – Where is the Empirical Evidence for Atheism?
- Shedding (Rippled) Light – Lawrence Krauss’s take on gravitational waves
- The Inflating, Expanding Universe and the Creator
- Creation and Physics
Q. Don’t astronomy and the cosmic red-shift of distant light detected galaxies prove billions of years?
Q. What about the “Gap Theory” promoted by some who also believe the Bible? That shows Christians believe the earth is millions of years old right?
- What is Biblical Creation and Why Is it Important?
- Divisions over Biblical Creation even among Christians. Unity at what cost?
Q. Was there really a global Noah’s flood or is that a myth? How could all the animals everywhere possibly fit in one little boat?
- Was There Really a Noah’s Ark and Flood?
- Fossils and the Flood: What’s the Connection?
- Flood Geology
- The Flood – The “Big Picture” of Its Mechanism and Resulting Evidences
- What Are Some of the Best Flood Evidences?
- Was the Flood of Noah Global or Local in Extent?
- Noah’s Flood: Washing away Millions of Years
- Geology and the Flood
- Noah’s Flood and the Earth’s Age
- Global Tectonics and the Flood
- The Flood Was Global
- Fossils and the Flood
- The History & Impact of The Genesis Flood
- How Did Animals Spread All over the World After the Flood?
- What Can We Learn from Worldwide Legends About the Flood?
- Worldwide Catastrophic Evidence Is Everywhere
- Flood Stories
- The Global Flood Explains the Ice Age
- The Flood Was Global
- After The Flood
- Was There Really a Noah’s Ark and Flood?
- Noah’s Ark – was it big enough for all the animals?
- Dinosaurs on Noah’s Ark
- Much Evidence Exists for a Worldwide Flood
- The Global Flood Is the Key to the Past
- The Age of the Earth – Part 7: Noah’s Ark
- Noah’s Ark: Thinking Outside the Box
- How Could All the Animals Get On Board Noah’s Ark?
- Noah’s Ark: The Search Goes On
- Noah’s Ark the Search Goes On
- How Could Noah Have Built the Ark All by Himself?
- Has Noah’s Ark Been Discovered?
- Students Surprised to Find Noah’s Ark Feasible
- Top Geologist Releases Data on Noah’s Ark Claim
Q. Why do animals have sharp teeth if they weren’t mean to kill other animals?
- Why God Created Large, Sharp Teeth
- Why Did God Create Such Terrible Teeth?
- Predation Did Not Come from Evolution
- If All Animals Were Created As Plant Eaters, Why Do Some Have Sharp Teeth?
Supongo que a estas alturas te estarás preguntando por qué no has escuchado o te han enseñado nada de esto en la escuela. Te dejaré reflexionar sobre la respuesta a eso…